Showing posts with label Lo Mays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lo Mays. Show all posts

Challenge Pose: Virabhadrasana III

Today's challenge pose is Virabhadrasana III or Warrior 3. Warrior 3 is great for working on your balance while using your core to lengthen from the crown of the head to the extended leg. The key is to engage your core to lengthen your spine, keeping an open chest and to flex the lifted foot while keeping square hips. This pose can be modified by bringing hands to your heart center.

from Lo Mays

Challenge Pose: Urdhva Dhanurasana

Urdhva Dhanurasana or Wheel Pose is one that I have been doing since I was a little kid in PE class.

It requires a very open lower back and shoulders. Keep your thighs and feet parallel and turn your upper thighs slightly inward. Shoulder blades spread across your back..engage your core to take you into a deeper backbend.

Wheel pose can be easily modified by coming into a bridge pose.

from Lo Mays

Yoga To The Core Challenge Pose: Vasisthasana

Today's challenge pose is Vasisthasana or Side Plank. Side plank is great for working the obliques and toning your back and shoulders. This pose can be easily modified by bringing the legs together and lifting up through the hips.

Root firmly into the outer edge of your bottom foot..Stack shoulder over wrist..and lift hips high.

Happy Side Planking!

from Lo Mays

Yoga To The Core Challenge: Salabhasana

Today's challenge pose is Salabhasana or Locust Pose. Locust pose is great for toning the core while working on building a strong back and legs. You can bring your arms along side your body to modify.

It is important to zipper your legs and extend through the crown of your head. I like this variation because it rinses out my shoulders and allows me to open my heart.

from Lo Mays